Trucker Named TCA Highway Angel for Blocking Highway To Protect Crash Victim and Extinguishing a Fire

Alexandria, Virginia

ALEXANDRIA, VA—The Truckload Carriers Association (TCA) has named truck driver Tony Doughty, from Greenville, TX, a TCA Highway Angel for stopping and using his truck to block an accident scene in Ohio and extinguishing a large fire on the side of a highway in Louisiana a few days later. Doughty drives for Woody Bogler Trucking out of Gerald, MO.

Both are incredible stories: On November 8, 2023 around 11 a.m., Doughty was driving on I-280 near Toledo, OH. A single vehicle accident occurred when a red Lincoln SUV hit a Jersey barrier and spun 360 degrees into the I-280 southbound entrance ramp.

“It happened right in front of me,” Doughty said. “He lost control on that curve and was in the middle of the highway, totally disabled.”

Doughty, a volunteer firefighter, pulled over and blocked the left lane to prevent any more accidents. His wife, Alison, dialed 911 to alert fire and police personnel. Doughty helped get the driver, who had non-life threatening injuries, out of his vehicle. Once the Toledo Fire Department arrived, Doughty continued to block traffic to assist the emergency personnel until the accident scene was

“Me being a volunteer firefighter—if I can stop to render aid, I will stop to render aid. It was just in my nature to stop and see if he’s ok,” Doughty said about the crash victim.

A few days later on Nov. 12, 2023, Doughty was driving through Albany, LA around 10 a.m., traveling westbound on I-12. Traffic slowed, and he spotted a grass fire on the side of the highway, getting dangerously close to some homes. A police officer was on the scene, but had no way to fight the fire, which spread between a half-acre and an acre.

“I told the cop, I’m a volunteer firefighter; I know how to handle a grass fire,” Doughty said. “When I showed up the fire was raging, so I just jumped out and went to work. I grabbed my fire extinguisher and I grabbed my leaf blower, and had the fire 95% put out before the fire department showed up.”

Asked why he made such a magnanimous effort, Doughty humbly replied, “I could’ve just drove on, but I can’t do that—that’s not me. I was just doing what I’m trained to do.”

Since the TCA Highway Angels program’s inception in August 1997, nearly 1,300 professional truck drivers have been recognized as Highway Angels for exemplary kindness, courtesy, and courage displayed while on the job. Thanks to the program’s presenting sponsor, EpicVue, and supporting sponsors, DriverFacts and Northland Insurance, TCA is able to showcase outstanding drivers like Mr. Doughty.