Alexandria, Virginia
The Truckload Carriers Association has named Dylan Goodman, from Conneaut, Ohio a Highway Angel, for rushing to help after witnessing a horrific crash that gravely injured a motorist.
Since getting behind the wheel at age 21, Goodman has seen it all. But what happened on a beautiful clear day in March has hit him the hardest.
He was leaving Justin, Texas on I-35, heading north toward home. As he drove across a bridge, he saw a small red car across the way, stopped in the slow lane of southbound traffic. “She was in the middle of the lane with her hazards on,” he shared with TCA. He can only speculate as to what was wrong, but he knew she was in danger given the heavy traffic. “I was yelling on the radio to warn southbound (truck drivers) traffic about what was ahead of them, but nobody runs with CBs anymore.” All he could do was watch helplessly as a semi truck came barreling down the road. “He hit her so hard,” he recalled. “I don’t know why he didn’t see her. It was a straight stretch of road.” He said the car shot like a missile down an embankment and into a patch of trees.
Goodman pulled over to the median as the other truck drove another 500 yards down the road. He ran across the road and down the embankment. “I got to the car and it was just a mangled mess,” he said. “The roof was caved in and the door was pinched in on her. She was groaning and still conscious. I don’t know where I got it, but I was able to pull the door open and pry the roof back and get into the vehicle to assess her condition.” Goodman is a former EMT. “She had a faint pulse and didn’t have a clear airway. She was so twisted up in the car I couldn’t secure her to get her out.” Goodman believes the driver was in her 30s. “I tried to comfort her to let her know someone was there with her . . . she was fading fast. I wish I could have done more. I feel horrible for her family.” He said she passed away about 30 minutes later.
“Doing this job you see a lot of stuff. Nothing can really prepare you for being put in that situation. You want to be able to show a little compassion. If it means losing an hour of drive time, well, tomorrow is a new day. Right now I’m on my way back to Texas. I made a cross for her. I noticed when I went through last week there was nothing there for her. I’ll put it on the side of the road for her, ”
For his willingness to assist a fellow driver, TCA has presented Goodman with a certificate, patch, lapel pin, and truck decals. His employer has also received a certificate acknowledging their driver as a Highway Angel.
Since the program’s inception in August 1997, more than 1,250 drivers have been recognized as Highway Angels for the exemplary kindness, courtesy, and courage they have displayed while on the job. EpicVue sponsors TCA’s Highway Angel program.